Wednesday, January 20, 2010

almost 2 weeks post-op!

Things are going well for being almost 2 weeks post-op! I'm getting around more by myself, I can go to the bathroom by myself and today I got breakfast without any help! I still can't get in and out of bed alone and I can't get up the stairs easily, so I'm still sleeping down stairs for the time being. I'm gonna try to go upstairs again tonight or tomorrow morning to take a shower but it takes a good 10 min just to get up the stairs so we have to set out a good hour + just to take a shower! it's crazy.. and I'm going to the Dr. tomorrow so we'll see what he says about my progress! I'm excited to show him how far I have come so far!
Here are some pictures to show my progress! enjoy.

First Breakfast! Yum :)

Smile :)

Jess! She has been there for me every step of the way! I love you girl!

PT the day I went home from the Hospital

Yay! I'm going home!

looking pretty good to me for only being a week and a half post-op!


  1. Looking good Shelly! Curious to know if you have a numb patch since your incision is not in the typical bikini area? Can't wait to hear what your doctor has to say about your progress:)

  2. Um... i have a numb patch on the top and off to the right side of my thigh. other than that it's not bad. It is a little sensitive around my knee cap (like it feels prickly like its asleep) and then it feels normal the lower you go on my leg.
    I'm so happy with what my Dr. said! I can't wait to start PT in a few weeks!!!
