Thursday, January 14, 2010

6 days post-op!

Wow. Almost 1 week post-op already!!! It feels like its been forever but also like it was yesterday. Lets go back...

Day 1 - Friday morning we got to the hospital and the process went really quickly. I got to the pre-op room, got changed, had some tests run, got my IV put in and then my parents, Jacob and Pastor Don came in to stay with me. We prayed talked and tried to keep my mind off surgery. Then the Dr.s assistant, the anesthesiologist and his assistant came in and then Dr.Scheid finally came in and we talked briefly about what was about to happen, then it was time to go. I got wheeled to the OR. I remember going in and it being VERY cold and bright. They put me on a smaller table, and a lady said she was going to put sticky tabs on my chest, then the anesthesiologist told me he just started the meds so in about 20 seconds I would feel a burn and my body would start to feel weird.. I don't remember anything after he said that!

Waking up in recovery was a blur. I threw up once, and don't remember much about recovery except asking how long I had been there and a nurse told me I had been there for about 45 min. I don't remember the trip upstairs or them taking me to my room (4090 just fyi.. jess? ;-) lol!) I do remember Jacob and my mom walking in the room but then i draw a blank. Every night at the hospital I got woken up every 3 hours to take meds.. it was kinda of annoying that I couldn't sleep but every time I woke took my meds, it made me sleepy so I got right back to sleep. Friday, Saturday and Sunday night they took blood around 3am and that was the worst part of the night by far. My mom slept at the hospital with me Friday night but other than that she left around 10 or 11pm each night.

Saturday: I ate breakfast! hash browns, fruit, and juice. Jessica came to visit me that day :) It was so nice to see her! I really only moved my toes and feet on Saturday, not much else. I don't remember much except pushing my PCA pump and as soon as I did that, I was asleep! haha! I did stop using my pump Saturday night which was great. the less I used it the less harder it would be to go to oral meds.
Ashley came to visit that day and it was SO nice to have her there! She has already been through this before so she was a true help to me. Jessica came later on and Lauren and katie brough me dinner. Later on I asked if they would take off my leg pumpers and scratch my legs. OH MY WORD!!! best feeling EVER!!! I was making all these sounds and everyone was laughing at me for sounding "dirty" ;-) hahah!

Sunday: This was a LONG day. Katie and Jayson brought me breakfast and they stayed with me for a few hours. Lauren came over, as well as my parents and when Jayson and Dad were in the waiting room watching the game, my sisters and mom gave me a bath. It felt so good and my legs were still covered in the betadine so they tried to wash some of it off but even today, it's still on my stomach and parts of my legs. PT came in and I got out of bed, sat in the chair but I felt really nauseous and dizzy and my blood pressure dropped very quickly so I got back in bed and decided to start 1 blood transfusion in the afternoon and started another one about 8:30pm that night. Lauren, Katie and Jayson left and around 4:30 Jacob and his parents came by to visit before they went back home to IL. They brought me some beautiful flowers and we all talked for a while. Jacob had taken them to dinner then night before and surprised them with the news we are engaged, so we talked about that which was very exciting :)
His parents left and around 6 or so Krista and Hollie (2 of my managers from work came to viit me!!!) They brought me the biggest "Get Well" balloon I have ever seen and a package as well! Krista didn't look so well when the nurse came in to finish my first blood transfusion haha so they left and that was pretty much then end of my day..

Monday: I had breakfast again (I'm doing well at eating a fair amount and keeping it down) PT also came and I got to the chair. I started to feel dizzy and sick but I sat there just so my body could get used to being out of bed. but after an hour or so I was kind of in a grumpy mood so I got back in bed. Later my Dad came and so did Ashley. She was such a help and got me out of bed to go to the bathroom since my mom wasn't there. As soon as I got back in bed, PT came so I got right up and said my goal was to walk to the other side of my bed. Where did I get to? I went all the way to the door!!!! YAY! I made it all the way back to bed and I was quite excited!! Now, round trip it took me a good 20 min but, hey! haha. Lets have them break your pelvis, take a saw to your hip, rotate, move and cut your bones then put it back together with screws and see how fast you walk 3 days after surgery! haha
Laura came to visit me that night and it was so awesome to see her!!! She, Jess and I had dinner, talked then they talked while I took a short nap and my mom came by around 8 so the 4 of us girls all hung out and ended up watching the "The Bachelor" hahahahaha!! it was so stupid it was funny!
I ended up with a weird rash on my legs (we think from the betadine) that my mom and the nurse didn't like so she gave me some benadryl and flushed it through with something else through my IV line and all I can say is WOW! I have never felt so odd in my life!! this is a text I sent after she gave it to me. I don't remember sending it but everyone who got it laughed:
"judt got benadrill * it feels coocoo kant keep eyes open...wowo i feel weird.. "

Tuesday: DISCHARGE DAY!!! Jessica came to see me early in the morning along with my parents. PT came again and we went for a walk. I went over a step (yay i got over it!!) then I rode around in my wheel chair for a little while. Boy it was weird moving faster than a slow walk! I almost got dizzy just sitting in the wheelchair. ha! but then we just had to get some stuff worked out with the pharmacy, sign my papers, and I was good to go. The car ride was a little strange feeling but it was nice to finally be home.

Getting in and out of bed has been a learning experience. Walking to the bathroom takes about 10 min and 10 min to get back. But I'm getting a little faster each day which is a great improvement! I have an apt to go see my Dr. next Thursday and have a 2 week post-op checkup! I have not yet looked at my incision, but my mom says it looks good. I don't have a problem looking at other peoples scars and incisions but for some reason, I don't want to see mine... not yet anyway.
One thing that I do hate is having to get lovenox injections 1X every day. :( At least my mom is an RN so she doesn't mind giving me those.
I still have major tingling and numbness on the top of my leg, and Denise told me that I might never get the same feeling back as it was before. That kinda freaks me out but i guess it's not a surprise with all the stuff they did in my leg during surgery.

Ok well I think that's all for now... I have been wanting to do this for a while but every time I started, I fell asleep! :) I'll be updating again as things improve :) Thank you everyone for all your prayers, thoughts, texts, cards and visits! It means so much to me!



  1. Yay! Glad it went so well! I hope things continue to get better and easier! By the way, I'll take that pic we talked about in Mexico, great time to wear those shorts for a "reason"! Haha! It's too cold to wear them right now:)

  2. Hey girlie! Glad to hear that you are doing well and I am definitely going to have to come visit and to see you smiling face! Each day gets a little easier, there will be days that are worse than others, but remember to keep ur head, we are all here for you! Its a long journey and every accomplishment is well earned, so feel proud of everything! Love ya girlie!
