Tuesday, November 17, 2009

date moved...

So I got a call from the Dr.s office last night saying he wouldn't be able to do the surgery on the 5th. I called this morning and we moved the surgery to Friday the 8th at 10:30. I was really disappointed yesterady when I heard the message and not being able to get it figured out last night was kinda hard but God works everything out in His perfect timing.

The past couple days have been pretty hard for me, pain wise. Sunday was just bad. No matter what I took, and the positing I was in, I was in so much pain. My wonderful boyfriend was very sweet, asking what he could do and trying tt help. There are just days, nothing really helps, and I just have to suck it up and deal with the pain.

well, I work at 2 so I'm going to go enjoy my morning off! bye ..

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