Tuesday, November 10, 2009

counting down..

So, today marks the 8 weeks and counting mark. I met with Ashely and Jessica today for lunch. It was great meeting some new friends that we all share a common problem. It was nice to hear advice, stories, and just talk! It seems hard sometime to talk to people about my hip because they don't really understand the pain I'm trying to describe that I feel all the time. They can say "Oh I'm sorry you're in pain. Is there anything I can do?" And that's great that I have people in my life that are caring and that want to take care of me ( my parents, sisters, my boyfriend, friends..) but i wish I could describe the pain so they understood. Everyone knows what a stubbed toe feels like. Or something hitting your shin and the pain it causes, but this, you can't really understand unless you have it.

For me, (it's different for all) the pain starts when I'm on my feet a lot during the day, or when I walk/ run long distances. When I step to the right and point my toe, I can't pull my leg back without a sharp pain go through my body and I grab my hip because of the pain. And a lot of the time, it's such a deep pain and I can't even pinpoint where the pain is coming from. I'll drive the 30 min home after work and sometimes it hurts to get out of my car and walk to the front door..

Ok, so I know it's a sudden stop, but it's getting late and I better get to bed. the past 3 days I have worked a total of ... 33 hours! man on man..

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