Friday, December 24, 2010

58 days!!!!

58 days until I am a wife! Things are coming along well and we're sending off invites in the next week... we met with the wedding planner last week and got a time line set up for the big day and got most of the lay out set for the ceremony and the reception.

There is big news to share and things are far enough along I thought I would share now (for those who I haven't told already....)
Jacob got a job!!!.... I got a job! and we're moving to IL! Jacob got a job in the western Chicago area a couple months ago and we're looking for apartments now in the G.H. area. I have been interviewing with a couple jobs and I got a notice of employment for my job yesterday! We will be about an hour from down town and we're looking forward to trips we'll be taking there and we're really excited about everything that is falling into place. It's nice because I know a few people within 30 min of where we will be living and I'm looking forward to seeing them again and hanging out with them since it's been almost 5 years since I have seen my friends!

Now, there is still a chance things will change again (if Jacob gets a job he's been in the process for for 5 months... it's a VERY long process and can take up to a year to find out if you get in...) but for now, these are our set plans!

We have also ended our counseling with one of the most amazing and Godly couples Jacob and I have ever met. We had to end our meeting with them at some point and we thought now was the right time and last night was a very special time with them. They wrote us an amazing letter that Jacob and I will be framing and putting up in our room at our apartment and they gave us a gift that they said out of years and years of counseling couples they have never given this gift to anyone outside of their family. It was a very humbling moment that we will never forget. Jeff and Pam have been such a blessing to Jacob and I and we can't thank God and them enough for everything they have done for us. We love them with all our hearts and we know God crossed our paths early last year for this very reason, thank you Lord.

I wish everyone a very Merry CHRISTmas, and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

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