Thursday, August 26, 2010


26 days until surgery! I had my Dr's appointment this morning and this is the news I got:
I got some pills to help with nausea for giving blood next week and also help helping to discern what I had a reaction to last time after surgery. My body peeled really bad for a few weeks and so we're gonna do a test to see if we can figure out what the cause was.

I told Scheid about the screw I can see and that I can feel (what I thought was coming out), and he felt around the incision and found another screw right above the one I could see. He told me it's not coming out BUT because the swelling is all gone and because I'm so thin, I can see the bone easily which leads to feeling the screws more than other people would. (My mom thought is was pre-wedding dieting and I don't see how that could be, seeing I eat all the junk food in the world and I still don't gain weight! Haha! I have actually lost about 10lbs since surgery and it's still going down...)
So... anyway back to the screws. Scheid said that he normally won't take them out because the bones grow around them and unless they bother the patient, there is no point in digging around, trying to get them out, but because I can feel them and they do hurt, he'll take them out. In surgery, he said he'll go in and make a couple little incisions and take out the 2 screws. Not any trouble at all. So I won't have as many screws in me as i thought, but that's ok ;-) haha!
(The 2 circled is yellow are the ones he'll be taking out...)

I also requested that I have general anesthetic along with an epidural and they already made the phone call to request that for me, so hopefully that will help with the pain again!

So over all, it was a great appointment! The next time I see my doctor, he'll be saying "See you on the other side!" yeah... oh boy. It's just over 3 weeks away. eeks!

The blood donation went really well yesterday too. I was pretty scared because last time I donated, I threw up both days and that REALLY scared me. But I took some Zofran and that did wonders!!! Also, my sister was there to distract me so that helped a lot. No seeing my breakfast, this time around! Haha
If I can make it through next week, I'll be all set to go.

Now switching topics a little...
Jacob and I are have great meetings with Jeff & Pam! I look forward to our times with them every week. The Lord is so present in our talks through the weeks and I'm so thankful that the Lord is really showing through in both our lives. I know for me the Lord is really pointing out areas for me to grow more in, to trust in Him more, and to rely on Him in EVERY aspect of my day, every week. I'm excited to learn more and to grow closer to God through the life that He has given me. That's my main goal, to bring Him praise, honor and glory, though every word that comes out of my mouth and every action my body takes. Every word I speak is His. He gave me these words and I want to bring a smile to his face when I use them. That's something that Jacob and I have been talking about with Jeff and Pam and reading about in The War of Words. When we grumble about a situation in our life or something we are going through, we are in fact grumbling in the face of God. Wow. God is in complete control of our lives and He puts situations in our lives for a reason and to teach us something and when we grumble about it, we're complaining that God is trying to teach us something wonderful and trying to mold us to be like Him.
I could go on and on about stuff I have been learning but for now, I need to get ready for work...

Look for my next post.. surgery is getting closer!

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