Friday, July 9, 2010


OK so a ton has happened in the past weeks. Some things I don't want to post just due to personal reasons and because the people involved are still trying to process things but this is what I can tell you...

I NOW HAVE AN OFFICIAL SURGERY DATE!!! My LPAO will be September 21st, at 8am. I have to be at the hospital at 6am and at 8am (maybe even earlier) I'll be undergoing my second major hip surgery of the year. Hopefully after this I will be have fully functional hips and I'll be done with surgeries until I'm 70! Haha. I'm SOOO scared, anxious, happy, excited,... everything. Something I am very happy and excited for is that Krystal will be undergoing the same surgery the day before I am! So even if we are 3000 miles away from each other, we'll be recovering together and supporting each other the whole way through recovery. I love you girl!!

Jacob and I also have a wedding date set! woohoo! our honeymoon is booked and we're so thrilled to be going to Hawaii for 13 days and it can't come any sooner! We're not exactly announcing the exact date just for personal reasons but we do that the date and we're very happy and in love.

God is really testing us right now by putting certain events in front of us and it's not something you can plan for, they just happen. Looking back, we feel months ago, God was in a way preparing us for events to come and we're now seeing part of His plan play out and it's been hard but we're taking things are they are being thrown at us and we're going with it. God is in control and that's what we have to keep saying. The Lord is looking out for us and we need not worry.

We had a good 4th of July, had dinner with Jayson, Katie and Lauren then went back to Jacobs house and had some wine, watched fireworks then went to his neighbors, talked, laughed, had some food and drinks! It was a wonderful night with the love of my life!

Well I'm really tired and I work this weekend so I'm gonna say goodbye for now! Leave me some love ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the date for the PAO and your wedding:) It's going to happen so fast, all of it!!!! I hope that you'll be well recovered in time to walk down the isle. I know that you and Jacob are going through some trials right now, but it sounds like the two of you are handling things beautifully! I'm so glad to have gotten to know you through all of this and cannot wait for next month. It's going to be a blast! xoxo
