Tuesday, January 5, 2010

within the week..

4 days... Ok, everyone is telling me not to get scared, but.. I can't help it. I KNOW I'm only freaking myself out. A week ago I was fine. I keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong, and what would happen if things didn't turn out right, or what if I don't heal afterwards and I'm on crutches forever. I know I need to focus on the positive things, like... my engagement!! Yes I'm engaged to the man I love with all my heart! We've been engaged almost a week now which is weird! But I guess it's good because it means the wedding will be coming up soon ;-) haha! We have talked about dates but we're not setting anything in stone, because we're waiting until after surgery to really plan anything.

Anyway I have heard from sabrina and marcie that the surgery really isn't that bad it's just a lot of work after... I know I can do the work, it's just going to be hard! Anyway i almost feel better if I don't talk too much about it so I shall stop for now! haha!

I might go shopping today and start getting things for the hospital, so I'll update again before Friday, just please keep praying for me, thanks :-)


  1. Hey Shelly, you'll do great! I'll be thinking of you and say a little prayer for you:) What time is your surgery? Just remember that the calmer you are going to sleep, the easier it is for you when you wake up. Also, make sure you take whatever you can get to make your bowels keep moving!!!! Take whatever the nurses give you and ask for it if you don't get anything! Seriously! That's my biggest advice for you, lol! Now, go get 'em girlie!

  2. Thanks Marcie! Surgery is 10:30am so I'll be there at 8:30. I will keep that advice in mind and (just like ashley told me) I might ask my mom for activia yogurt to eat for breakfast each morning.. (once I feel like eatting! haha)
